so a fly on my wall says to me he says, “hey gorgeous, where ya been all my life?”

time since last substantial post – 25 days
lifespan of common housefly – 10 – 25 days
gratitude towards internet for allowing me to make such associations – timeless

so i got back to bloomington on new year’s eve, with all the intention of going contra dancing in a few hours. instead, i fell into a trance of sorts, intoxicated by the freedom that came with being by myself for the first time in two weeks, and i spent the entire weekend in hibernation: sleeping, reading, and staring into space.
it was pretty awesome, though i felt a little bad about it at the time because there is something about my ability to completely withdraw into lethargy, despite what seem to be clear intentions to do other things, that kind of scares me sometimes.

i think i’ve forgiven myself, however, because the first week of school was bordering on manic.
i somehow managed to agree to a gym schedule with kelly and heather that involves waking up at 6:30 on MWF, and though we didn’t do it on Friday, the other two days were a success, and i had to get up on Friday for class anyway.
as for TR, i have a 9:30 class, and on T i went out to breakfast first, so i ended up getting up no later than 8:30 all freakin week.
it was some weird stuff, and when combined with fencing and multiple journeys to and from eigenmann (a pilgrimage that it seems i will be making more often this semester), it was like i was my own personal trainer.
and that was just the physical dimension of the workout.
i also wrote a works-in-progress paper that may or may not prove worthy for CHI (but since i wasn’t planning on writing it until wednesday, i am quite sure that i will be able to handle the rejection), spent some time at the office, went to my classes (including the unofficial database class i’m trying to take from david), shared a secret that was overdue for some time in the open air, convinced two people to travel to west virginia, watched monsters, inc. and three episodes of the west wing courtesy of my new netflix subscription, and saw a play.

i did not, however, keep up with the dishes.
that’s what tomorrow’s for.

a couple more fly lives like this one, and i will rule the world.


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