appendix a

the other thing that kept me from finishing the narnia post was that, for a while, i was trying to include tie-ins to old trains of thought about portrayals of good and evil and war and swordfighting… trains of thought that i have while watching a lot of movies, and particularly those of the somewhat fantastical variety.
but that was just too much, as was the thought i had while sitting in a parking lot waiting for my mom to look at christmas presents that i wasn’t supposed to know about. i was thinking about the portraying good and evil stuff, which has to do with wanting a simpler picture of the world, and i wondered whether it might be productive to invent heroes and villains in our heads that we could use to

then i realized that there are a couple examples of me already doing this – i took a women’s folklore class when i was at boulder and one of my classmates gave a report on the pervasiveness of the guardian angel meme, and how much of a real impact it has on a lot of peoples’ lives. i wondered what would happen if i made up a guardian angel, knowing that i was making it up, but just giving myself some personified entity to imagine and relate to.
i also once decided that i should give a personality to all of my moods so that i could sort out their differences of opinion and stage little conversations between them, a la herman’s head. that didn’t really last very long, but i liked some of the personalities i came up with, and they could be templates for a hero or heroine were i to write the story i thought about above.
there’s also the fact that i have pretty completely adopted the practice of personifying my reluctance to get out of bed in the morning, so that i can talk about it and come up with strategies to trick it/make friends with it, thereby making it easier to wake up without feeling like i am swimming through quicksand.

and speaking of not being able to get up in the morning, i should call it a day.
this last bit took us quite a ways from narnia, and smacks a bit too much of the crazy juice.
time to cash in and head for the hills.

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