what a week!

sunday night: i leave dinner at justin’s to find my car’s driver’s side mirror on the ground, clearly shorn from its home in a somewhat violent manner.
the car in the next space over doesn’t seem to show signs of responsibility, but it’s dark and hard to tell.
justin and i stand in the parking lot for a minute playing jigsaw puzzle and trying to decide whether we could think of anything clever to do, and then i just shrug and toss it into the car.
i need to go to the shop anyway for a tuneup and oil change, but it sucks to have more damage to add to the mix.
so blah.

i also come home to find that my internet is inexplicably down. the router, which lives in my neighbor’s side of the house (too much of a tangent; just trust me), is not broadcasting it’s signal, though david assures me that the dsl is working juts fine.
that sucks.
i decide to go to sleep and hope that it’s better by itself in the morning.

yesterday i wake up at some reasonable hour, planning to go to work for a while before fencing. instead, it turns out to be a slug day, which is my trial name for a kind of day that i have now and then wherein, despite all of my thoughts and intentions to the contrary, i find myself unable to rouse myself from absolute lethargy for hours on end. i don’t exactly feel tired. or sick. or… anything. i just don’t move. i have considered on and off over the years that this is a manifestation of depression, or a very poorly developed coping strategy for high levels of stress, or both. but recently i have been somewhat less convinced of this, or at least i have been somewhat less convinced that it is problematic.
it’s true that it’s quite an obstacle to productivity, and that it’s kind of weird, but the experience is also quite rejuvenative.

fixing internet
long bout
marty meeting
more slug
talking with david
internet broken again

early meeting
erik’s class
sore, stiff, and foggy
much to do

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