
an assurance that i will never abandon fluff entirely

allow me to publicly voice my frustration at the dearth of high-quality, airtight canisters for anything near a reasonable price.
because of this frustration, i currently try and pack too many kinds of grain products into too few crappy plastic jars that don’t really seal all that well.
because of that situation, i sometimes end up keeping new bags of said grain products out of said crappy plastic jars for too long, as i consider the possible permutations of their various constituents, or as i wait to use up the old because no new batch ever fits perfectly into the old container.
because of this, i have currently attracted a generation of mealy moths that aim to live off the fat of my flour spillage.
because of this, i have currently attracted a hopeful spider in the top reaches of my pantry.
because of this, i found my finger brushing against web when i just reached in to extricate a box of mac and cheese.
because of this, i flipped out and dropped the box, also managing to sweep a container of quaker quick grits to the floor, where they burst open and poured forth with abandon.
because of this, i had to sweep 2/3 of a container of quaker quick grits into the trash, but i almost surely did not get them all.
because of this, the mealy moths rejoice in the provision of sustenance for another generation.
because of this, i write a grumbly blog entry while the water boils for my mac and cheese.


2 Responses to “crap”

  1. Guest Says:

    Now THAT’S poetry.

  2. David Says:

    I’m quite pleased with my general approach of moving towards canning jars for grain storage, especially the more rarely used grain products (oatmeal, barley, special flours like rye, etc), which might sit on my shelves for a year or more before I use them. Not sure how mac’n’cheese might fit into such a scheme, and I admit that I’ve had the exact same problem that you describe. :( sad story…

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