a sound bite for the ages

riding the stationary bike this morning at the gym, listening to all things considered.
they’re doing a piece on buddhist pilgrimages. they have a guy trekking into Tibet and he’s reporting in for the day.
they wrap up, switch back to the studio, and nina totenberg says:

“Buddhists believe in a progression through six spheres of consciousness.
For a multimedia exploration of these spheres, visit npr.com.”

meanwhile, in bloomington, indiana, kynthia nearly falls off the bike, has to stop pedaling for a second, and makes a rather uncomely noise that is some combination of a snicker and a guffaw. the one person in the room who is not wearing headphones of her own tries to pretend that she doesn’t notice, but does not completely succeed.

One Response to “a sound bite for the ages”

  1. Erik Says:

    I nearly fell off my web browser when I read this.

    That was until I realized it was only a multimedia web browser.

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