hcid theory – stolterman, 1/12/06

  • each thing can have multiple representations (and multiple levels of resolution) in the bit pool. Me, my hair, my dna, my body of work, pictures of me… that’s why the interesting challenge to me is connecting the pieces together
  • is SLIS the place to focus on organization or is there a place for that within HCI? I feel compelled to think the latter, but I’m not sure why. I guess I think you can’t think about pure IS without thinking about interaction implications. I don’t really think about information the way that geologists think about rocks – as things that are out there doing stuff that’s interesting whether we know it or not. And maybe that’s a trap. Information is something that we are realizing actually exists – has properties that need to be understood before we can maximize our interactions with it. But I think that there’s something unique about it because the only thing it really does is structure human communication, so, unlike rocks, we can’t really take people out of the picture. Can we?

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