
last week i was pretty socially overwhelmed.
i don’t regret it at all, but there it is.
i came home with my head spinning, and i didn’t know what to do or say or think or feel.

yesterday and today i spent all by myself, with a bit of outside IM contact because i like my friends and always feel a bit weird when i put myself in a little bubble.

i slept quite a bit, and read quite a bit, and scribbled a fair bit to no conclusion.

now i am sitting on my floor, eating bagel chips and drinking wine, and my room is tidier than it has been in a while, with some pictures starting to grace my walls. i went on two walks today, one of which led to the purchase of a can opener (because i was stunned to discover that i didn’t have one when i went to make some hummus) and a coffee grinder and some food for the week, like the aforementioned bagel chips.

the second walk had no real direction, but i ended up going to music millenium and buying a new richard shindell album and an old pink floyd album and two postcards for my wall. what i was actually looking for was this album, but apparently i am too hip for my own good, and i’m going to have to order it online because i have yet to find it in any stores, and i want to actually buy it even though i already have several of the songs because it deserves my money.

anyway, now i feel myself reaching some kind of equilibrium, and i am hopeful that my anxiety and i are learning to communicate a bit better.

i am glad that tomorrow is sunday, and i look forward to what it will bring.

3 Responses to “pendulum”

  1. shooky @ The hummus blog Says:

    The lack of a can opener shouldn’t been a problem. There’s no way you can make REAL hummus from canned chickpeas. Next time, please try to soak and cook dried chickpeas. There’s a simple recipe on my blog. good luck!

  2. kynthia Says:

    thanks for the tip, shooky. i do indeed make hummus from dried chickpeas sometimes. just not all the time. so i guess i bicker with your view of reality. :)

    but i’ll give your blog a looksee, and perhaps i’ll do a focused comparison study of my own soon because i got a new pressure cooker and it’s just crying out to be put to service in the name of science.

    so do you have an open search out on “hummus” in the blogosphere or something? that must be a mixed bag of gems and gibberish…

    thanks for dropping by.

  3. belledame222 Says:

    are you an introvert? i get overwhelmed by too much outside stimulation too (social and otherwise); it’s little to do with “shyness” at this point, it’s just…overly stimulated, drains me.

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