
over the past few days, the amount of spam that gets through the akismet filter that comes with wordpress 2.0 has been on the increase. this includes spam that primarily consists of nearly 100 repetitions of certain libido enhancing drugs, so i don’t know what the crap akismet is doing. i have been vaguely frustrated with it in the past, largely because, for a while at least, it was catching kevin, but letting lots of other stuff through. it seemed to have learned that lesson, though, and i was about to make peace with it, but now i’m thinkin…. nah. time for something else.

One Response to “spam!”

  1. Kevin Makice Says:

    Akismet is still doing wonders for me, although this morning I woke up to find 28 spam comments. I haven’t had that since before I turned it on.

    I’ve been having a spam issue in a different medium: PHPBB. My Third Party site seems to have about 20 crap posts a day. Most are the obvious nude brittany and viagra links, but some are almost accidentally relevant … until I do a Google search and find out that the same phrase/post is evident elsewhere (on other PHPBB forums). It seems to me that an Akismet solution might address that forum spamming problem. Or, perhaps a new registration process would be in order.

    Either way, don’t give up on Akismet. If it actually isn’t working, try deactivating it and then activating it again.

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