silly kynthia

so last night i had a headache when i went to bed, and i was kind of pissy about it.

historically, i don’t really get headaches. my daily health struggles have always had more to do with my digestive system, and with my back hurting because one of my legs is a wee bit shorter than the other, and, most recently, with sinus congestion.

but i digress.

i have never really battled much with headaches, but my mom has, and so sometimes when i get headaches i wonder something like “whoa! i wonder if i will magically start getting headaches as i get older! that would suck!”

or i think i’m just jacking myself around by not committing to whether i am a person who drinks coffee consistently.

today i felt the beginnings of another one and, for one reason or another, instead of thinking about coffee or genetics i was struck with the revelation that i hadn’t really drunk any water for a while, and water is a much more potent drug than caffeine when it comes to the symptoms of withdrawal.

ahhhh…. what a lovely fix.

One Response to “silly kynthia”

  1. Mom Says:

    That was your angel with the hint about the water. A great big drink of water is a great way to stop a headache. Also, no worries about a genetic propensity to headaches as you age. I’ve dealt with headaches all my life. They have actually gotten better as I’ve gotten older!


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