a great violation of natural law if i’ve ever seen one

so yesterday at chipotle i talked to apurva a very little bit about his burrito in a bowl (or ‘bol’, if you want to be hip to the jive). erik had begun a discussion on the poorly mixed nature of the chipotle burrito, and various opinions were offered on the matter. in the meantime apurva was just happily munching away at his self-mixable pile of burrito innards, and it made me realize that i had never really thought about that as a feature of the put-it-in-a-bowl-and-call-it-hip movement. i pretty much just file it as a remnant of atkins mania, but when i stop and think about it, that doesn’t make that much sense when it comes to burritos because there’s a hella lot of rice in there…

whatever. i had to admit that i had started feeling curious, so i made a little note to myself to try it out next time to see if it’s worth any fuss.

i had forgotten about this entirely by today, but then i went to laughing planet for lunch, and as i hovered between the greek burrito (which i offer all forms of praises to the lp establishment for adding to the long-term menu), and nachos, which sounded fun and crunchy but not quite substantial enough, i happened to notice the put-it-in-a-bowl option (which they call ‘naked’), and i decided to try it out, with a half-order of chips on the side.

now, david says that i just like to mix all of my food together, so i’m sure that he is reading all of this with a bit of an “i know where this is going” gleam in his eye, but i must continue to insist that it is really not that simple. i did greatly enjoy the bowl-of-burrito, i must admit. i will consider ordering them again in the future. but not only is there a fundamental visceral and aesthetic difference between a steaming bowl full of rice, beans, spinach, feta, olives and tomatoes, and a foil-wrapped tortilla with the same stuff hidden inside, i also ended up using my chips to create something akin to the mcdlt of the nacho kingdom – chips here, salsa there, and a bowl of potential topping goodness over there.
so i mixed up one part of the meal, and separated out another.
messin’ with your mind, there, ain’t i?

however you slice it, it was a good lunch, and now i am happy and full.

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