i feel like i just ate a fortune cookie

i’ve been getting a fair bit of comment spam lately, and most of it is hilarious gibberish that begins with something like “your site is awesome!” and then breaks into something more to the tune of “small green dogs juxtapose birch leaves and eat rubber tuna!!

tonight, however, i received either the trickiest or the most benign yet, because it just said:

Your site is very cognitive. I think you will have good future.:)

and gave me a link to a guns n’ roses fan page.


tastes crunchy and faintly of vanilla.

2 Responses to “i feel like i just ate a fortune cookie”

  1. Guest Says:

    If I had only know that’s what it takes to leave a successful anonymous comment I might’ve been spared some embarrassment. Wanna buy some salve!

  2. kynthia Says:

    oh, i don’t know.
    i wouldn’t call the spammers more successful than you.
    after all, you get through, and they are only mentioned in hearsay, as a joke.

    they aren’t strictly “anonymous” either. they just lie about their name and address, which is a different kind of ploy. i feel like you are being more honest than they are.

    you don’t pretend to be someone else, you just don’t say who you are.

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