odd jobs for hire!

  • Something quirky happening with your blog or website that you’ve been putting off fixing or don’t understand?
  • Tedious data entry or formatting that you just don’t want to do?
  • Research you’ve been meaning to undertake but can’t find the time?

Cut your todo list down to size for the New Year – resolve to do the best and outsource the rest to me!

Rates and currency negotiable, no job too small, not responsible for drops in productivity that may occur due to free time on your xbox.

Calls within the next 15 minutes get a free banana!

3 Responses to “odd jobs for hire!”

  1. Kevin Makice Says:

    If I had any money to offer, I’d be all over this. Needs are many (blog aggregators, better login system and spam protection and site redesign for 3rdparty, wiki-blog for politic exchange) and time is short. Do you accept barter?

    Archie wants the banana, btw.

  2. kynthia Says:

    somehow i knew you would reply to this, but i also knew i couldn’t possibly accept any money from you, so i’m glad to think about barter possibilities. what sucks about money is that i need it to trade in for food and transportation, but what could be cool about this idea for any sort of payment is that it offers a potential way to get experience at the kinds of things that i usually put off within my own projects because they are kind of annoying. it’s funny how you (or OK, I) will find it easier to work on someone else’s project because I told them I would, but I will continually be distracted from my own.

    anyway, let’s see how i do on finding money while i’m here in london, but when i get back to the US in about a month i am coming to bloomington for some period of time, and maybe we could barter for a spot on the couch or something. i’ve got lots of people who i could stay with, but i wouldn’t want to stay anywhere for too long without earning my keep. i can cook, and i can play with websites, so perhaps something could work out.

    and i can bring archie a banana then, too. ;)

  3. Kevin Makice Says:

    We do have an office downstairs with a futon we use for guests. Be careful what you wish for, though. We also have a 17-year-old cat who has given up litter boxes (for political reasons, I’m sure) and two boys who delight in breaking new decibel records. There’s also one bathroom (upstairs) for your inconvenience. And, the office is home to a netgear wireless router (the kind with the neon blue activity light in the middle).

    Ping us when you get into town. Bring Stone of Destiny stuff.

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