
evil or not, here we um…

Thursday, January 19th, 2006

as someone personally torn over the whole “do they really mean it?” question when it comes to google and their mantra to not be evil, i am heartily amused (and also rather impressed) by this.

it’s a site that aggregates google-related news items and asks visitors to vote on how evil each report makes them think that google is, and then it tracks google’s average evil rating over time.
A graph plotting the trajectory of google's evilness for December, 2006, based upon the replies of visitors to

it sounds kind of like a funny way to let off steam at first, but i think there are glimmers of real meaning underneath some of the information. it interests me to learn, for example, that google scores 4% evil when it comes to this blog post, which states that google will fight the feds’ request for search data tooth and nail; 12% evil when it comes to an earlier post at searchenginewatch saying that google won’t comply (with the same request – it’s hot news in searchtown today, i tell you whut) but msn will (so how evil are they?) , and 34% evil when it comes to a newspaper article discussing yesterday’s announcement that google is venturing into radio (or at least radio ads).

sure, there are real questions to be asked about who comes to a site like this – geeks, and probably only those on either side of the spectrum of opinion, but i think that the relatively simple way of gathering input on different issues and then displaying the aggregate data is pretty neat, and not to be discarded out of hand.

i’ll probably check back at least a few more times as my own angels and demons duke the matter out on my shoulders.


Wednesday, January 18th, 2006

keyboards are disgusting

though honestly, these kinds of statistics irritate me rather intensely.
bacteria do not bother me in number, but in kind.
some bacteria are downright friendly, and the critters on my keyboard are probably eating my dead skin droppings, so more power to ’em.
if they could also get that kernel of rice that fell in there a couple of months ago, i’d be much obliged…

i made christmas dinner!

Sunday, December 25th, 2005

A full plate for Christmas - trout, rice pilaf, and stuffed mushrooms.
so, in my family, we don’t really have a traditional christmas dinner. we stick pretty close to the books for thanksgiving – the small child in me does not feel like everything is right with the world if there is not stuffing, or green beany glop, or pumpkin pie (turkey and sweet potatoes are nice too, but if i have the others, i am appeased). but after those cravings are knocked out in november, it’s really up in the air what will happen for christmas. we Have made another turkey, especially when my dad’s old work used to give everybody one as a holiday bonus, and we Have made ham, i’m pretty sure. but at the end of the day, the only real requirement is that we have something special. last year, i think we had buffalo steaks, and this leek and wild mushroom stuffing that i wanted to try out, and the hands-down best asparagus that can be made in 15 minutes or less (and a good contender for the best in any time period, so go make some… now!).

Cranberry tarts for dessert!
this year, we hadn’t really thought about it until yesterday. nobody really had a hankering for poultry of any variety, or for anything else for that matter. lloyd offered to make lasagna, which is nice, but it didn’t seem quite right to me, and when i said so, i was given the job of finding a replacement.

fair enough.

i decided that we should have trout, because that seemed like a good thing to make while i was back in colorado, and, well, because it sounded good. i hadn’t had trout in a long while.
i poked around online, getting some use out of this recipe search engine that i had discovered a couple of weeks ago and had been waiting for a chance to try. it served me pretty well, and i picked out a menu that made me quite excited:

in case you’re interested in a glimpse of my current playground, that list is also available here.

the tarts were far and away the hardest part, and they were really only time-consuming – i had to make the crust and the cream filling last night because they both had to chill. today they were easy as, um… tarts!

Stuffed mushrooms that are very, very bad for you... next hardest were the mushrooms, and they were really only a little annoying – they require one to grind up a cup of brazil nuts.
that’s a cup of nuts, in addition to the butter and the cream… i’m going to file those little suckers away in case anyone ever asks me to define ‘decadent.’ and on that note – david, consider this my first (pressure-free, as always) suggestion for an appetizer for next year’s dgp. they might pack a punch equivalent to a slice of cheesecake, but i can’t say they don’t make an argument for being worth it… damn.

on the whole it was blissfully easy for how fancy it sounds – i will make the trout in less than a half-hour, any day of the week, for anyone who will buy the ingredients (i would say the same for the rice but that shiznit takes a long time to cook, so we’d need to plan ahead a bit more). i am quite pleased with how well things turned out, and my family was very gracious in agreeing with that assessment. everyone seemed happy, my dad did the dishes, and we still have to eat the tarts! (hopefully i won’t curse that experience by writing this while everything else digests a little, but i’m thinking they’ll be ok, and it’s Not because i already ate some of the berries, and some of the custardy filling, and some of the crust…)

so christmas ends, and so chanukah begins.
i shall raise a glass of wine to that.

oh! and santa brought me a sweet little chef’s knife, so it was even fun to chop the onions.
this knife is Sharp.

now let’s see if i can muster the energy to finish a post i’m writing about narnia, shall we?

word of the year!

Monday, December 12th, 2005

“infosnacking” sayeth webster (sayeth npr)

i think it quite appropriate that i discovered this word while engaging in it…


post haste

Tuesday, December 6th, 2005

i’ve been playing with this online todo list tool, and one of the lists i made is of things i get an idea to blog about, so that i can forget about them without having to take the time to write the whole entry.
i’ve only been doing this for a couple of days, and it is showing signs of being not the best idea, because the list is too long.
right now it says:

  • why i think we should manage information rather than limit it, aka response to jacki or why we should learn to stop worrying and love the throng
  • why i started a bloglines account but end up just using delicious instead
  • a hypothesis on why we need to immerse ourselves in media to feel more connected these days
  • here’s my challenge: find an era when someone hasn’t written that their era is pivotal
  • that visualizing text as images link
  • feeling like a hack, going to wit (w;t), watching my moods shift — school, expectations, fear of tragedy
  • notecard in my helmet?
  • mantra about liking to do things
  • liking sleep because it slows down my brain

i don’t really feel like writing about any of these things right now, and i really shouldn’t anyway because i have to finish getting ready for our final presentation in pervasive computing tomorrow, but i thought that posting the list itself would be a good way to write something, and also to record a peep of the discussion i have with myself about what sorts of things should really go here, how much detail i should include, how much i can capture without causing my head to explode, etc.

so there ya go.


if you want to vote on what sounds most intriguing, that could make for an interesting experiment… if i got responses my strategy could be to just keep a list like this, do my own triage, and then once a month or so post what i don’t get around to and have a readers’ choice edition.

funny shirt

Sunday, December 4th, 2005

looks like it could be a fun place to work, too

LOL, in the true sense of the, um, word?

Thursday, December 1st, 2005

i was just piddling around online and reading about social software (there is no one link to give… would it be cool if i could give a link to a list of links? how would that work? it would be annoying if it opened a bunch of windows, but cool if it generated one window and populated it with all of the links in the list… hmm…), and i signed up at, which is kind of interesting.
but i’m not really here to talk about the site itself right now, i’m just here because that link up there, at the time that i posted this, goes to a page that says “kynthia is doing 2 things and going 0 places” and man, even writing that now to tell you the story makes me laugh Really Really hard…
i can’t even finish this post intelligibly…
it’s difficult to breathe…

update – 12/25: this post strikes me as a pretty good marker of right before i crossed over and grokked delicious. it’s kind of amazing, and potentially historic, so there ya go. today, if you want to see things that i classify as social software (which i actually kind of stopped doing… i’m giving a bit of a moratorium on buzzwords until i decide how to deal with them in my tags), you can just look here. just like what i asked for, and even better because it will evolve.