weird dream

so lately i’ve been noticing how completely wacky my dreams are right before i wake up. i tend to have some story going that inCludes an awareness of myself sleeping, and makes it imperative that i keep doing so in order for the story to continue. it’s a dirty trick of the grog’s to keep me sleeping as long as possible, and when i manage to shake my head, sit up, and try to make sense of what i’ve been thinking, it’s usually really insane and i get up in a bit of a huff.

as an experiment, i thought i’d try to remember more of these dreams, to write about here as a part of the whole honesty schtick, and to serve as reminders to myself that i should really start seriously questioning any early morning admonition that tells me to stay in bed in order to save humanity from some sort of dire catastrophe.
yesterday it kinda worked – i remembered a weird dream that i had way earlier in the night that didn’t have anything to do with getting up or saving the world. oh well, eh? baby steps.

so i meant to write this yesterday, but by the time i got around to it i was already way behind and i had posted like three things, which made me feel a little manic. but now it’s about to leak out of my brain, so i thought i’d get it down.

it went something like this:

i was standing on the deck of a big house by the ocean somewhere. it was an urban ocean town, and i knew this for some reason, but i don’t think it was really any real place that i’ve ever been. anyway i was standing there with someone else who i think was one of those amalgamated dream people who don’t really line up with real people. at one point i got the impression that it might be erik, but i don’t remember why… maybe because he had just blogged about going and looking at the ocean, and that’s what i was doing. anyway, we were talking about something or another that i don’t remember now (but i think i did know what it was at the time), and looking at the ocean, which was churning like mad. suddenly i became conscious of being able to see to the bottom, and there was some kind of very large, kind of shiny, maybe corrugated? platform looking thing on the ocean floor. i pointed it out, and we didn’t know what it was, but then someone could be seen swimming up from the bottom and up to the beach. it was scary, and we went inside. my parents were in there for some reason, and we told them about it, and looked out at the deck through a really big set of sliding glass doors.
there was a little baby on the beach who i dreamknew was the same person who had just been swimming, even though he had clearly not been a baby before. he crawled around and started to grow at super speed, so then he was a little kid and pretty soon he was full grown and the same person who had swum out of the ocean, but for some reason he was no longer scary. my parents and amalgam/erik and i talked about this with a kind of detached curiosity. i think we all went back out on the deck.
eventually the guy walks up to us and asks for directions to somewhere in town. he seems to know his way around, but hasn’t been there for a while, and at some point in there i dreamknew that he was some kind of ghost who had been dead for 40 or 50 years but now was back and wanted to go find something. after that point it was somehow evident that he could walk through walls, though i’m not sure i ever saw proof of this. what did happen was that, after walking down the steps from the deck (it was pretty high off the beach) and starting to go, he suddenly got really sad and stopped, and i went to ask him why. he said that he had just realized that he couldn’t walk across the street because the cars might drive through him, and for some reason that i don’t understand right now we both understood that this would have been very bad. we were kind of puzzled and awkwardly silent for a few seconds, and then i was like “hey! why don’t you just wait at the crosswalks like everyone else for the light to change! i mean, you don’t Look like a ghost or anything. they’ll never know! you can just walk across when the cars aren’t coming like everyone else!”
he was ecstatic at this revelation, and set off. i went back on the deck and i think i might have explained what i told the ghost, but i’m not really sure, because that’s about the end of the dream.

my brain is a strange land.

3 Responses to “weird dream”

  1. Cyrano Says:

    Soooo… are you the type that believe dreams have meaning? Or are they just a random assortment of images and sensations? Anything going on in waking life that corresponds to jaywalking ghosts?

  2. kynthia Says:

    i think that dreams have some meaning, in that they are somehow related to the things that our brain is sorting out as it does it’s sleep thang, but i don’t think that those things always necessarily make sense so i don’t spend too much time wondering about it. i mean, if i’m really dwelling on something, it makes sense that it would come up in my dreams, but who knows, maybe sometimes our brains just cycle through old memories as a part of some kind of spring cleaning, and then random stuff ends up in there for no reason at all.
    in this case, i wasn’t really struck by any direct correspondence to current issues, and the ghost was just bizarre as far as i can tell. at least the other stuff was family related, or potentially stimulated by a fondness for the ocean, or something. i mean death, rebirth, visiting past lives… this could all be a sign of anxiety about starting a new chapter of life i suppose, after graduation.
    but i know not, and don’t really care. if i am able to remember more and the sample size grows, perhaps then i will look more closely. for now, i’m just going with the flow.

  3. mom Says:

    If this were my dream I would feel both validated and challenged. I would also have to tell my dreammaker to please try again because I didn’t quite get the whole point.

    I would feel validated because I’d think, okay, I’ve looked into the churning of my primordial depths and I’ve seen something emerge. It was scary at first but I stuck with it and watched it grow – perhaps through the natural life cycle of insights. It is striking to me that the thing was about the same age as my parents. My parents are sort of in the background of this dream. Could it be that I’m learning to deal with a family “ghost”? And then the big revelation is about how normal procedures are just the ticket. Like the wisdom I need is not hidden or esoteric which I so like to imagine it is.

    The challenging part is the shiny bottom I see in the ocean. To me that is like the roof of the next level. A reminder that there is yet more in the depths. Also the various waves of fear and awkwardness suggest to me that I still have work to do but again all I need to do is just use the most “pedestrian” means and I’ll be okay.

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