violet is the color of my energy

long ago, kevin posted a link to a site that has lots of silly quizzes that generate little boxes for the sole purpose of announcing your personality as filtered through the lenses of things like your favorite lunchmeat or the color of your underwear.

like this:

You Are Elektra

There’s really no superhero with more style than you.
Because who could beat being sexy assasin ninja?
What Superhero Are You?

today i was cleaning out my drafts folder and found that i had saved this information with the apparent intention of elaborating upon it, but why i thought that the proclamation of my status as a sexy assassin ninja needed any elaboration is beyond me.

sometimes i am mysterious.

not today, however.

today i tell you not only that i am elektra, but also that

  • my aura is violet
  • if i’m going to be a writer, i should be a poet
  • i am pumpkin pie
  • of all the shades of blue, i am indigo (the most funky, unique and independent)
  • my inner new yorker lives in brooklyn
  • i should try street luge

what a nice way to do some spring cleaning while the post-CHI stupor still interferes with my ability to write anything completely from scratch.

in that spirit (ahem):

You Are Absinthe

You are a sloppy drunk, purposely so
If drinking doesn’t make you feel crazy, it’s not any fun
Truth be told, you tend to prefer drugs to drinking
But you’d never pass up any absinthe that came your way!
What Alcoholic Drink Are You?

cheers to springtime, california, and the green fairy in us all.

One Response to “violet is the color of my energy”

  1. Mom Says:

    I am beer and I don’t even like beer. Of course, the results are probably even less valid than normal in my case because I don’t even know what “beer goggles” are!

    I’ve always preferred the term “happy drunk” myself.

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