how that whole bleeping hell business worked out…

i bought these.
not from that site, though. they cost a little less…

so far i am astounded.
with the last pair i had started to test how dangerous it really is to ride my bike while listening to music (i think the combination of the “people drive while listening to the radio” argument and the increasing number of people i see talking on their freaking phones while on their bikes (at least i’m better than that!) drove me to at least test it out, since commuting is one of the best spots for musical interlude), and i had decided that it really isn’t that bad. i could turn the volume way down and still hear traffic and talk to people nearby – what more do i want?!
this is not the case with the new acquisitions…
it’s really kind of eerie…
but i think i like it. (and don’t worry mom, i’m not going to ride my bike with them on anymore ;)

One Response to “how that whole bleeping hell business worked out…”

  1. mom Says:

    So glad for the safety consciousness and imagine my excitement at finding myself mentioned in the very first post I read.

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